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2022 National Work Zone Awareness Week 2022

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is scheduled for April 11-15. It will be hosted by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This year’s theme is “Work zones are a sign to slow down.” The kick-off event is scheduled on April 12.

This national event has been successful in spreading awareness for work zone safety across the country because of participation from organizations and individuals just like you.

Everyone plays a role in work zone safety. NWZAW highlights the deadly dangers of inattention at highway work areas. Make plans now for the weeklong commemoration including:

Work Zone Safety Training Day - April 11

National kickoff event - April 12

Go Orange Day - April 13

Social media storm - April 14

Moment of Silence - April 15

The moment of silence is new for 2022 and remembers the people whose lives were lost in a work zone incident. Learn more on how you can participate and make your voice count on the importance of work zone safety.

OCA, along with the Ohio Laborers’ LECET and ODOT are planning a Work zone safety public awareness event at the Ohio Statehouse for Tuesday, April 12th. In addition, OCA will again feature a sample work zone setup on Dublin Road, in front of its offices in Columbus. Message boards incorporated in the setup will advise motorists of the National event.

In 2019, 842 people were killed in 762 fatal work zone crashes, according to the most recent data available from What many fail to recognize is the vast majority of people killed in work zone crashes are motorists and their passengers. In 2019, 135 of the 842 fatalities were work zone workers, making it even more important for drivers to slow down and stay focused while approaching and passing through a roadway work zone.

As we kick off Ohio’s peak highway construction season, OCA encourages its members to sponsor or participate in company and/or local events to bring attention to the importance of work zone safety awareness. To help our members stress and advertise the importance if this year’s theme, “Work zones are signs to slow down!” we are providing a link to the national website for National Work Zone Awareness Week, where you will find many resources designed to help you spread the work on highway work zone safety awareness! Click HERE for more information!

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