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Join us for the 2022 40th Annual OCA Winter Conference!

December 5 & 6, 2022 - Hilton Columbus Easton

Winter Conference Highlights:

  • Expanded, longer hours trade show (Book your space soon - filling fast)
  • Keynote - Chuck Underwood, Generational Workforce Diversity and Human Resource Strategy
  • What will "Buy America" mean for you?
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Regulations
  • Addressing "Problematic Construction Delays"
  • How will we "Fund the Transportation System"
  • ODOT Update
  • Young Professionals/Future Leaders Breakfast
  • New Member Reception
  • Casino Night/Networking

2022 Winter Conference Agenda

 Monday, December 5th
8:00 am to 9:00 am   

Continental Breakfast
Young Professionals and Past Future Leaders Forum Participants Breakfast  

9:00 am to 10:15 am Breakout Sessions
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Regulations Are Changing: Get Informed
  • How Will We fund The Transportation System Of Tomorrow
  • Safety Session
10:00 am to 7:00 pm The Ohio Construction Industry Exhibition
10:30 am to 11:45 am Breakout Sessions
  • What Will Buy America Mean For You?
  • Addressing Problematic Construction Delays
10:30 am to 11:45 am Annual Labor Relations Division Meeting
12:00 pm to 2:00pm Lunch - The Ohio Construction Industry Exhibition Is Open
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Keynote Speaker Chuck Underwood - "Generational Workforce Management Strategies"

Each generation brings unique core values, career attitudes, strengths and weaknesses to their work. And
so it is imperative for employers, management, and employees to understand those differences.

3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Ohio Department of Transportation

There has been a lot of activity on the regulatory and funding fronts in the course of the past twelve months. Hear from a series of ODOT leaders, including Director Jack Marchbanks, on how new federal and state funds are being introduced into ODOT’s capital program and what regulatory changes are in the offing.

4:30 pm to 5:30 pm New Member Mixer - By Invitation Only
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Associate Sponsored Reception | Networking & Casino Night
 7:00 pm Dinner On Your Own
 Tuesday, December 6th
7:45 am to 8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am to 9:30 am

105th OCA Annual Business Meeting

The OCA Annual Business Meeting will be highlighted by ARTBA President & CEO, Dave Bauer, who will share his perspectives on the national state of the industry and the comments of 2022 OCA chairperson, Joe Griffin.  Retiring U.S. Senator Portman has been invited to share as well.

9:30 am to 10:45 am

Annual Awards

Join the recognition and celebration of OCA members and Ohio's heavy-highway industry.  The Annual Awards event will showcase OCA's long-time members, 2022 Chapter Chairpersons, Chapter of the Year, Annual Safety Awards winners, Past Presidents Service, Distinguished Service, and Hall of Fame Awards recipients.


Click to Watch the OCA 2022 Winter Conference Video

The Ohio Construction Industry Exhibition

  • Who Exhibits
    Manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of products and services used by contractors in the heavy-highway, municipal and utility construction industry.
  • Who Attends
    Owners and employees of construction firms together with suppliers. Attendees include the decision makers and buyers for their companies.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Reception Buffets are in the Easton Foyer.  Coffee Breaks and Beverage Stations are in the Main Exhibit Area.
  • Exhibit Dates & Hours
    Exhibit hours will be Monday, December 5, from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Buffet lunch will be served in the Easton Foyer. Great networking opportunities will be available before and during the reception and casino event.  Associate member-sponsored reception and casino night will be held in the exhibition area starting at approximately 5:00 p.m. and ending at 7:00 p.m.

Keynote Speaker

Chuck Underwood

Generational Workforce Management Strategies

Founder and principal of the generational consulting firm, The Generational Imperative, Inc.

Three, and sometimes four, generations are active in the American workplace: Boomers; GenX; Millennials; and, in some cases the Silent Generation.  Each generation brings unique core values, career attitudes, strengths and weaknesses to their work. It is imperative for employers, management, and employees to understand those differences.   

TGI’s training programs in Generational Workforce Strategy help organizations to:  

  • recruit the best employees from each generation; 
  • onboard them smoothly, in those critical first few hours, days, weeks, and months;
  • train them appropriately; 
  • manage and lead them effectively; 
  • help all employees to maximize their fulfillment with their work and, with that, their productivity; 
  • enhance inter-generational understanding and cooperativeness amongst all employees; 
  • train current leaders in generational diversity and generational leadership;
  • prepare future leaders and, by doing so, help to ensure orderly succession of leadership; 
  • … and much more.

Chuck says: “Here are the challenges: retaining Boomers and getting the best possible leadership from them. Retaining X’ers and preparing them for leadership. Recruiting, onboarding, and retaining Millennials, and helping them to embrace realistic expectations. Training in Generational Workforce Management is no longer optional. It’s now imperative. It’s all about productivity, turnover reduction, teamwork, culture, and bottom line.”

Client says: “Phenomenal! I just wish I knew how to keep this in the back of my mind at all times. I tend to forget and fall into my own generational attitude and behavior. Is there a way to do that?”

Orlando – Institute Of Internal Auditors national conference

10:30 am Breakout Sessions

What Will Buy America Mean For You?

New federal mandates for purchasing America-made materials will impact the availability and delivery of items that are critical in completing projects.  Hear from this panel of representatives from the FHWA and ODOT what you need to be aware of in order to meet expanded Buy America mandates.

Addressing Problematic Construction Delays

Many unanticipated project situations can have a detrimental impact on your project’s critical path schedule.  These times of workforce challenges and supply chains delays, just to name a few, have only magnified the probability of incurring delays.  Hahn Loeser & Parks will give you helpful hints and tips on how to be mitigate the impacts of these delays.

Hotel Reservations at Hilton Columbus at Easton

We have a room block reserved at Hilton Columbus at Easton for December 4, 2022 through December 6, 2022. Booking your room is simple, just select "Book a Room" to receive your group's preferred rate.


9:00 am Breakout Sessions

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Regulations Are Changing:  Get Informed

Deniz Mustafa

Director, Highway & Transportation Division

The Associated General Contractors of America

The federal government has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which will modify existing DBE rules.  Find out what those changes are and how you can best address them in this session presented by AGC of America subject-matter expert.

How Will We Fund the Transportation System of Tomorrow?

Andrew McLean, MPP, JD

Transportation Policy Specialist

CDM Smith

The Federal Highway Administration is funding a study through the Ohio Department of Transportation addressing options for funding the future’s transportation system needs as reliance on the motor fuel fee revenue wains.  Hear about the funding options this team is looking into and how an adequate amount of funds can be raised.  We’ll, also be looking into the electrical charging network for the vehicle fleet of the future.

The Real Cost of Safety


Rich has been in the Health and Safety Management field for over 29 years. He has provided safety consulting services for many companies on a global scale. Rich has presented and worked in Australia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Panama, and Africa.  

He received his B.S. in Occupational Safety and Health Management from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania in 1992. He has also earned his M.S. in Safety Science from West Virginia University in 2011. His professional designations include, Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Construction Risk Insurance Professional (CRIS).

With over 29 years of diverse safety experience, Rich’s expertise includes an extensive knowledge in oil & gas, heavy civil construction, general industry, and MSHA. Areas of concentration include cranes, fall protection, confined spaces, safety training, scaffolding, and global safety program development. He is also an authorized safety trainer for OSHA, MSHA, and PEC Safeland. Rich has been an active member in American Society of Safety Professionals since 1990.


There has been a lot of activity on the regulatory and funding fronts in the course of the past twelve months.  Hear from a series of ODOT leaders, including Director Jack Marchbanks, on how new federal and state funds are being introduced into ODOT’s capital program and what regulatory changes are in the offing.


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