OHIO811 Utility Call Center Update

On March 22, 2020, at the behest of Governor DeWine, Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, M.D., MPH issued a director’s order to require all Ohioans to stay in their homes to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

Director Acton’s order designates various construction activities as well as the operation and maintenance of utilities as “Essential Infrastructure”, and that those activities are to be exempted from the Stay at Home Order.

Accordingly, OHIO811 will remain fully operational, maintaining both our call center and online services, to receive excavation locate requests from those persons or entities with a need to excavate and then providing those requests to the utility operators involved.

OHIO811 pledges our continued support to our membership and industry partners as they work to maintain the vast network of utility infrastructure during this truly extraordinary time. We encourage everyone to exercise the utmost in caution, cooperation and patience as you plan and perform your work.

Please continue to monitor www.OHIO811.org for additional information and updates.